It has officially….
Yes, it has begun! stepping out in a whole new world in learning tech! I’m excited, nervous, anxious but more so feeling challenged about all of this so welcome to my first of many posts here in my new journey in this tech world as a one day Cloud/DevOps Engineer. My objective was to test a webpage out on a Linux server, install the test web server that will serve up the webpage for my team to critique.
First things first, I had to log into a Centos 8 server through Cloud Guru which for me took forever to grasp, but once i sat down and managed my mind and time together, it was not as difficult as initially thought. Below is a snap shot of my first step taken….
Next was the task of securely entering the server in a secure way without blowing up my laptop as to “SSH” into the Centos 8 server I had created
Once in, I had to install a NGINX web server….
Then enable all the packages in the server…..
I had to also make sure to start NGINX AND make sure there was not an issue with firewalls to access the “http”. I had a problem with this before and could not access the page due to me not placing the right command(s)….
My last steps were to reload my firewall with the right command and get the web address so it could be verified by my team. My last screen shot shows the command but the verification page by using sadly was not save but rest assured that my page was indeed verified by a handful of my classmates:-)
I would like to close by saying that google and YouTube were and will always be my friends :-)
I’m loving the process and journey Level Up In Tech is taking me on. The end result will be that much greater to share with the masses. There will be a continued learning curve but a well embraced one let me tell you! after all of this 3 weeks I now “understand” everything lol #teamGreen LU!!! #stillconfused